Where shall the Internet take the world? To the heavens of free information and a proliferation of learning? Into a maelstrom of misinformation and vice confounding all hopes of human flourishing? An unending stream of stale memes forwarded by your relatives?

Join us to collectively theorize on and improve the Internet, focusing on themes of education, the cultivation of virtue, censorship, political organization, and world history.

Weekend Seminar Details

  • The weekend seminar will meet for six sessions starting the afternoon of Friday, December 3rd and concluding the evening of Saturday, December 4th. See syllabus below for exact session times. Sessions will be held at the Abigail Adams Institute in Cambridge MA.

  • The seminar will be free to participants, and includes a meals in between sessions.

  • Students can expect an environment open to rigorous debate and clashing perspectives, examining the fundamental and permanent human questions.

WHo should apply?

  • The course is open to undergraduate and graduate students and will be capped at a seminar size of 20 participants.

How can I apply?

  • All interested individuals can apply with the link at the bottom of the page. The applications consists of a few short questions.

  • Applications are due on November 12th, 2021.

Weekend Seminar led by Mike Bocamazo

‘17 Olin College & current Software Engineer at Amazon Robotics

If you are interested in attending this course, please apply below: