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Student Scholar Presentation: Caden Petersmeyer

Religiosity among young Americans has been declining for decades, and nowhere is this trend more pronounced than at America’s most elite liberal Universities. At Harvard, which was originally founded as a Puritan theological school, only 1.7% of undergraduate students now identify as “very religious.” Using a series of semi-structured, qualitative interviews with students and college administrators, this thesis analyzes and compares the experiences of Harvard College’s small minority of devout Catholic, Jewish, and Muslim students. Caden will argue that despite their common religiosity, students have different experiences at Harvard, primarilydepending on how their religiosity affects their other social behaviors such as drinking, drug use, sexuality, and political expression.

The presentation will take place at the our offices, 14 Arrow Street Suite G10, on April 29th at 7:00pm. Refreshments will be served.