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Love at the End of the World: The Book of Revelation, Eschatology, and the Question of Hell

Love at the End of the World: The Book of Revelation, Eschatology, and the Question of Hell

Have you ever wondered whether love truly can conquer all? Does thinking about the end of the world, or the end of your life, trigger anxiety? Have you ever wondered whether hell makes sense in the light of divine mercy? Are you intrigued by the Book of Revelation, but unsure how to find a way into such a bizarre text? If so, this course (taught by our instructor Dr. J. David Franks) is for you!

During this summer seminar, we will explore together the fundamental biblical text concerning the “last things,” the book that closes the canon of Christian Scripture: the Apocalypse of Saint John, also called the Book of Revelation. As the consummation of Christian revelation, this book, replete with images of supreme beauty and terror, ought to be a focal point of Christian consciousness. It reveals the dimensions of the Kingdom of God—and how the divine politics judges secular power and history. Supplementary readings include N.T. Wright, Balthasar, Ratzinger, C.S. Lewis, and more.

This seminar will meet Wednesdays 8:00 - 9:30 pm EST over Zoom.