- Capitalism and the Good Life- 

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2020 Weekend Seminar January 24th - 25th

Wealth: what is it, how do we know it when we have it, and what kind of purposes does, can, or should wealth serve? The seminar looks at a variety of perspectives on the process of wealth creation, acquisition, and distribution. We will also examine the genesis, meaning, and the implications of capitalism. Our approach to wealth and capitalism will be less from a strictly economic perspective than a broadly philosophical one, allowing interested students without a background in economics to acquaint themselves with the fundamentals of wealth.

In the seminar we will cover classical and modern authors including:

  • Adam Smith

  • Karl Marx

  • Friedrich Hayek

  • Karl Polanyi

  • Ludwig Lachmann

  • Thomas Piketty

  • Robert Skidelsky


Location: The Seminar will take place in Harvard University's Center for Government and International Studies - 1737 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA, USA

Meals: Dinner will be provided the night of Friday the 24th, as well as Breakfast and Lunch on Saturday the 25th.

Cost: There is no cost to attend this seminar.

Who Should Apply?

The seminar is open to advanced undergraduates,  graduate students, and young professionals with interests in economics, business, history and politics.

How to Apply

  1. Send the following to director@AAICambridge.org:

    • Cover letter discussing the reasons for your interest in the seminar and an overview of any relevant experience in the seminar’s topic.

    • A writing sample of up to 2,000 words.

  2. Arrange to have a faculty member familiar with your academic work send a short letter of recommendation to director@AAICambridge.org

The application deadline for the seminar is December 20th, 2019.


 - Seminar Faculty - 

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Dr. Leonidas Zelmanovitz - Liberty Fund

Dr. Zelmanovitz is a Senior Fellow at the Liberty Fund. Prior to his post at the Liberty Fund he was a businessman in Brazil, running a financial company called Mercurio D.T.V.M. S.A. which specialized in raising capital in capital markets to fund real estate investments in Brazil; he founded the company in 1994 and was its CEO until the company was sold to another financial group in 2001.
Dr. Zelmanovitz has a Law degree from the Federal University in Porto Alegre, Brazil and both a Master in Austrian Economics and a Ph.D in Applied Economics from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain. Dr. Leonida's Ph.D. dissertation was published as a book and described in a review as "an impressive interdisciplinary exercise": "The Ontology and Function of Money: The Philosophical Fundamentals of Monetary Institutions"


Dr. Danilo Petranovich - Abigail Adams Institute

Dr. Danilo Petranovich is Director of the Abigail Adams Institute and is responsible for the Institute's strategic planning, developing its intellectual mission and academic programming, cultivating faculty and student partners, and contributor outreach in the greater New England area. Dr. Petranovich received his BA from Harvard and his PhD in Political Science from Yale. He taught courses in political theory, social thought, and the humanities at Duke and at Yale. His expertise is in nineteenth century European and American political thought. 


- Questions - 

If you have any questions about the seminar or the application process please do not hesitate to send your queries to director@AAICambridge.org