Is our 234 year-old constitutional order at death’s doorstep? What would the death of the Constitution mean for America?
Do the principles, institutions, and mores at the heart of the American Founding have a future?
Or, have the racial tensions stemming from the stain of slavery, economic and political inequality, and Enlightenment liberalism finally caught up with America?
Hillsdale College professor Michael Anton, and best-selling author, Patrick Deneen debate this resolution. Moderated by AAI Director, Danilo Petranovich.
Thursday, April 7th
5:00 - 6:00 PM Reception
6:00 - 7:30 PM Debate
Sheraton Commander Hotel
16 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138
Michael Anton
Michael Anton is lecturer in politics and a research fellow at Hillsdale College’s Kirby Center in Washington, D.C. He previously served in national security positions for both Donald Trump and George W. Bush, as well as in the administrations of California governor Pete Wilson and New York mayor Rudy Giuliani. He has extensive experience in the private sector and was educated at the Claremont Graduate University, St. John’s College, and the University of California. He is also the author of the newly released book The Stakes: America at the Point of No Return.
Patrick J. Deneen
Patrick J. Deneen is the author of seven books, including “Why Liberalism Failed,” “Conserving America? Thoughts on Present Discontents,” and “Democratic Faith.” He holds a B.A. in English literature and a Ph.D. in Political Science from Rutgers University. From 1995-1997 he was Speechwriter and Special Advisor to the Director of the United States Information Agency. From 1997-2005 he was Assistant Professor of Government at Princeton University. From 2005-2012 he was Tsakopoulos-Kounalakis Associate Professor of Government at Georgetown University, before joining the faculty of Notre Dame in Fall 2012. He is the author and editor of several books and numerous articles and reviews and has delivered invited lectures around the world.
Danilo Petranovich
Dr. Petranovich is the Director of the Abigail Adams Institute in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The Institute provides supplementary humanistic education to the Harvard intellectual community by exploring questions of deep human concern that cut across the boundaries of academic disciplines.
Previously, Dr. Petranovich taught political science at Duke University and Yale University. His scholarly expertise is in nineteenth century European and American political and social thought. He is currently writing a book, contracted with Yale University Press, on nationalism and the North in antebellum America.