Love is an animating force in much of human life. It has affected you, and everyone you know, directly or otherwise; perhaps it is even the meaning of life itself.

Literature, poetry, and philosophy has been grappling with the subject of love since time immemorial. In our time, there is a growing scientific interest in getting to the bottom of love.

In this special seminar to which you are invited, we will touch on some of the major insights, themes, findings, and breakthroughs in understanding love.

Iosif M. Gershteyn

(AAI Senior Fellow, Quantic EMBA ’21, Brandeis University MA’09, Fulbright-Hays Scholar ‘07)

Iosif M. Gershteyn, is a published scientist working in the field of computational immunology as a Visiting Scholar at the Ferreira lab at MUSC, founder of the Immunodietica field, and entrepreneur founding several companies in the Biotechnology and Medical Device industries.

In parallel, he has been pursuing his passions in the arts; writing lyric poetry, prose, and philosophy. Toward these ends he studied theater direction at the Russian Institute for Theater Arts (GITIS) earning a graduate certificate, and took masterclasses on the art of acting and dramaturgy at Moscow Arts Theater School (MXAT). Recently he has been an on-campus instructor of Biomedical Engineering at Boston University and has given seminars at the undergraduate and graduate level abroad.

Thursday, October 6th 3:30 PM through Dinner

Application required, limited to 12 participants, accepted students will be notified by 9/30

Abigail Adams Institute, 14 Arrow Street Suite G10 Cambridge MA