Traditional Community in a Post-Tradition World explores the way that the intentional community movement, since the advent of the internet, has attempted to resolve the crisis of loneliness in modern society.

This exploration develops into an outline of how the next intentional community may form, why Massachusetts is the most likely location for this type of project to succeed, and what the next evolution of this movement could look like.

Jason O’Dwyer

Jason O’Dwyer graduated from Boston College, Class of 2022, with a dual degree in economics and philosophy.  He serves his community as a member of the Knights of Columbus and through local community organizing. He works as a legal clerk in Boston and will begin studying at Boston College Law School in the following year.

Thursday, July 21st 12:00 - 1:30 PM

Registration required for attendance. Lunch provided.

Abigail Adams Institute, 14 Arrow Street Suite G10 Cambridge MA