We ask a suggested donation of $95 for non-students to help with book and video production costs. This donation makes it possible for the Great Conversation to remain a diverse community of students and professionals .
Volume I:
Origins & Empire
Meetings will be held online. More information coming soon!
WEek one: Sin-leqi-unninni
Week Two: moses
Week Three: homer
Week Four: parmenides & heraclitus
Week Five: sophocles
Week Six: herodotus
WEek seven: plato
Week eight: aristotle
Week nine: plutarch
Week Ten: virgil
Week eleven: marcus aurelius
Week Twelve: augustine
Convener of The Great Conversation: Dr. J. David Franks
J. David Franks received his Ph.D. in systematic theology from Boston College, and was professor of sacred theology for almost a decade at St. John’s Seminary, where he co-founded the Theological Institute for the New Evangelization.
He speaks monthly at the Thursday Men’s Breakfast, an ecumenical Union Club event, and teaches at Boston Trinity Academy, where he is the director of the Trinity Institute for Leadership and Social Justice. He has led the Great Conversation for four years.