Week Two

Benedict of Nursia, The Rule of St. Benedict

Giovanni Antonio Bazzi Sodoma, St. Benedict of Nursia Prays with his Monks

How should we organize our daily activities?

What is the role of self-discipline in the good life?

Probably written sometime in the 540s, The Rule of Saint Benedict was decisive for the preservation of Western civilization. Much of the history of western Europe has hinged on finding a way to order society after the collapse of the Western Roman Empire. At the time Benedict (c.480-c.550) wrote his Rule, the Western imperial court had just been formally dissolved. Italy came to be ruled by Germanic kings (who were Arian Christians): war all around; urban order collapsing; material culture regressing. Civilization was gasping in the long post-imperial tidal recession. Humanistic learning survived in the monasteries, and those monasteries largely came to be ordered by this Rule, which presents a model of life centered on prayer, dignifying manual labor, involving consultative self-governance, and exemplifying the value of a written constitution and the rule of law.

Monks of Mount Angel Abbey talk about why the Rule of St. Benedict has lasted over 1500 years.