-The Great Conversation-

How should we live? - A question that lies right at the core of human identity. Its ever elusive answer has been pursued, examined and fought over throughout various traditions for millennia. The Great Conversation explores the most serious answers put forward through a weekly reading group covering a rich variety of foundational texts.

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We ask a donation to help with book production costs and weekly meals. Books will be available at our office starting Monday, February 3rd.

Volume II: Disorder & Renewal

Volume II has concluded for the Spring Semester! We will hold a summer session online in the coming months, and Volume III will begin next Fall.

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Convener of The Great Conversation: Dr. J. David Franks

J. David Franks received his Ph.D. in systematic theology from Boston College, and was professor of sacred theology for almost a decade at St. John’s Seminary, where he co-founded the Theological Institute for the New Evangelization.

He speaks monthly at the Thursday Men’s Breakfast, an ecumenical Union Club event, and also directs the Lincoln Forum for Human Dignity, which advances a liberal-arts and high-culture approach to reigniting civic conversation.  He co-led The Great Conversation last semester, and will be leading it for the coming year.

Past Semesters:

2017 Fall Semester covered texts from Homer to Augustine: Schedule

2018 Spring Semester covered texts from the Testament of St. Francis and the Benedictine Rule to Ficino: Schedule

2018 Fall Semester covered texts from Calvin to Lord Byron: Schedule

2019 Spring Semester covered texts from Hegel to Frankl: Schedule

2019 Fall Semester covered texts from Gilgamesh to Augustine: Schedule